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Neuzeitliche Bodenbeläge (Konzert)

7. Februar | 20:30 - 22:00

Neulust,“ the latest EP from Neuzeitliche Bodenbeläge, introduces listeners to the talents of Joshua Gottmanns and Niklas Wandt. Wandt’s captivating voice invokes a sense of nostalgia, reminiscent of the era when Thorsten Fenslau was active, infusing tracks with poetic recitations. Wandt’s drumming harmonizes perfectly with Gottmanns‘ warm chords and captivating melodies. Together, they debuted on Zurich’s Lustpoderosa label with „Neulust,“ aiming to redefine their musical connection. Their presence in the central European underground scene has been marked by releases on Themes for Great Cities or Bureau B, accompanied by their vintage German Wave sound and lively performances. Regular touring has been part of their journey. „Neulust,“ recorded with minimal intervention, delves into themes of love, estrangement, and consumerism, blending haunting electro, deep house, NDW, and Euro Dance Elements. The EP signifies a significant stylistic shift and stands as the band’s most compelling offering yet in their ongoing musical evolution.

Der Eintritt ist frei.

Ein Hut geht rum, aber die Spende ist freiwillig und geht direkt an die Künstler*innen!


7. Februar
20:30 - 22:00